4 FACTUAL STATEMENTS ABOUT Liposuction Before You Talk to Any Cosmetic Surgeon

Liposuction is the technique used to suction the fatty deposits from certain body parts that refuse to disappear completely in spite of exercising and dieting. simplyrenting is now one of the most sought after methods of removing excess body fat. Although a comparatively safe procedure, liposuction methods are constantly being fine tuned to boost the results. The most typical areas of fat removal are the thighs, the stomach and the buttocks.


Several people claim to have invented the liposuction procedure, making the history just a little difficult to decipher. There is some sketchy information available stating that liposuction was initially attempted in the first 1920’s with significantly less than satisfactory results. Supposedly, Charles Dujarier, a surgeon in France, performed the task on a model from Paris who later died as a result of gangrene complications. This ended the technique of removing fat by suction for many years.

Liposuction again came to the forefront in the year 1974. This time it was reinvented by Dr. Georgio Fischer and his son, Dr. Georgio Fischer, Jr., both Italian gynecologists. Utilizing an electric rotating scalpel these were able to cut fat tissue out from the body through small incisions which were made. The tool used was basically an oscillating blade inside a cannula, or perhaps a thin tube made from metal. The fat cells were essentially destroyed and along with items of tissue and blood, were removed from the body by suction. Much less evolved as it is today, the technique nonetheless paved the way for modern liposuction methods.

Side Effects

Unfortunately, many early attempts at liposuction resulted in patients experiencing side effects such as for example profuse bleeding, numbness that became permanent and less than perfect results in the area where in fact the fat have been removed. Different surgeons begun to develop their own special ways of liposuction techniques. During the 70’s and 80’s liposuction was constantly being revised and fine tuned. Different equipment was used including various oscillating blades inside metal cannulas, and even bladeless cannulas were tried. The downside to these attempts was that the individual was the main one who became a guinea pig for these newer methods, and suffered the results if the procedure didn’t work as expected.


In the entire year 1977, the blunt tipped cannula was introduced by Dr. Yves-Gerard of France. Less bleeding occurred, and nerves and arteries weren’t damaged in the way of the older methods. It made it much easier for the fatty tissue to be manipulated. The recovery time after surgery was much shorter, and post-operative discomfort was reduced. With much less loss of blood there were far fewer complications to take into account. The liposuction procedures were definately not perfect as of yet, however the results were better than they had experienced earlier years. The surgery continued to be performed in this manner for several years.

In 1985, liposuction underwent a new change with the invention of the Tumescent method developed by Dr. Jeffrey Kline from California. Dr. Kline, a dermatologist, figured out how to enable patients to possess liposuction with only local anesthesia. There is much less bleeding, and the skin didn’t seem to be as dimpled as it once could have been. The cannula was much smaller and more slender than the one used prior to this time around. The surgeon was better in a position to ‘sculpt’ the area. Microcannulas used in Tumescent liposuction remove less fat each and every minute that a larger cannula, however the fat removal is a lot smoother and the volume greater.

In 1987, UAL liposuction originated by Dr. Michelle Zocchi. UAL means ultrasonic assisted liposuction, which offered a much more refined method of fatty tissue removal. The cannula was further reduced in size by 1998, being about the diameter of a little straw. This allowed for the procedure to be done much less invasively and resulted in a far more satisfying appearance once the surgery was finished. The bleeding was minimal and recovery time was reduced to a matter of a couple weeks.

Areas of Enhancement

In the entire year 21st century, liposuction is really a relatively routine procedure performed on a daily basis for men and women alike, worldwide. The procedure is conducted in a hospital or a clinic by way of a qualified surgeon. Either general or local anesthesia is used for sedation or numbing.

Several different methods or techniques are actually used for performing a liposuction procedure. The tumescent procedure is the hottest but other methods can be found. They include the Wet or Super Wet Technique, the UAL, Vaser Liposuction, PAL or power assisted lipo, LAL or laser assisted lipolysis, SmartLipo, CoolLipo, ProLipo Plus, LipoLite, LipoThereme ans LipoControl, and Water Jet Assisted Liposuction. The Tumescent method however, remains the most preferred by liposuction patients and surgeons alike.

Liposuction has developed from the first stages of fat removal techniques that often carried great risk to the patient, to an everyday procedure with little unwanted effects, less pain, reduced recovery time, and satisfying results. Thousands of people are embracing liposuction as a way of removing unwanted weight from various body parts in the end conventional methods have failed. It is no longer regarded as a ‘risky’ procedure. Patients have excess fat deposits removed from the more prevalent areas like stomach and thighs, to certain elements of the face just like the cheeks, jowls and the neck. Men who’ve fatty deposits in the chest area that create a ‘breast-like’ effect benefit from having liposuction performed on these areas.

Who is going for Liposuction?

Many people mistakenly believe liposuction is the cure all that can reduce a person’s weight, and once performed can give a person a slim and beautiful body. Liposuction will not create a fat person slim. It’s a procedure that corrects abnormal body figures. Consequently, exercise and a good eating plan is the recommended approach to choice for general weight reduction, and only when there are specific areas that need further attention is liposuction going to be an effective method for removal of fat in those areas. The procedures involved have already been fine tuned and perfected over the years with results being nothing short of dramatic. Modern equipment and innovative methods make liposuction a great choice for improving your current appearance and bringing about a fresh you.

Michael may be the Practice Manager & Patient Advisor at the Advance Beauty Clinic and the Australian Institute of Hair Restoration based in Sydney, Australia. Both clinics perform cosmetic surgeries such as for example hair transplant [http://www.aihr.com.au], liposuction, rhinoplasty, double eyelid surgeries for Asians among others. Call or email for a free of charge consultation today at some of our local clinics in Canberra, Melbourne and Brisbane.